
Velvet Pumpkins

We haven't decided exactly what to do with our pumpkin (yes, I know it's hitting crunch time and it very well might just stay orange :) ), but I saw these and couldn't resist sharing. Would these be great on a table or mantle? I'd love to make a few of them for myself!


I think every time it gets colder out I start itching to do something with our place* (or anyone's place... I'm currently helping my best friend and my brother in law decorate their new homes) and now that we are spending more time indoors, I am finding more and more projects and looks I want to incorporate into our new home. Side note on that. If you've been reading for a little while, you know that our new home is still 2 years away (how long J has left with his doctorate) and will most likely be out west so we have no clue what it will look like, but that is still not stopping my imagination :) Anyhow. back to the point....

I saw this picture today and wanted to share what I fell in love with. Please look at these windows. Holy cow. Wouldn't these look beautiful in a living room?? I can already imagine the view of the Rockies through these!

*I'd like to go ahead and thank my mother for this gene... she's my go to friend when it comes to wandering flea markets and vintage stores. and what happens if we are unfortunate enough to be without each other in a flea market/thrift store? Likelihood we will be on the phone the whole time chatting excitedly about what we could do with that cute little chair in the horrible green fabric. I have gotten so many weird looks :)

rain rain go away...

It's raining (again.) and while the weather channel says there is only a 20% chance, the showers outside say otherwise :)

On a higher note, one of my best friends is moving up here to start a new job (congrats A!) so lately we have been thrift shopping/planning/checking out her new place. We still have a few things to pick up for her (sitting chair, smaller dining room table, lamps etc) but I think the place is going to look great. Here are some of the inspiration photos I've been using to help her (mostly for color combinations. she loves celery green, off white, and white with small punches of black):

via cote de texas

Promise to post pictures as it comes along! Have a wonderful day everyone!!

Friday Recap

copyright courtney khail stationery

First, I thought I'd give a sneak peak on another wedding order I just sent out a week-ish ago. In addition to her table numbers I also created all of her escort cards. I can't wait to see the pictures from their wedding- it sounded like a blast!

Second, have you gone and checked out Lonny yet? It's wonderful and not only does it completely fill the void (and more) left by Domino, it also has awesome interactive features that I personally think are just fantastic.

Just a sneak peak to get you excited... (have I mentioned how much I love open shelving?)

Third-J and I went to the art opening for David Swann last night and it was amazing. David has been working incredibly hard this past year (which was beyond apparent by his new collection!) and I just loved seeing how he created his own unique pieces yet still noticeably referenced the inspiration he received from Magritte's works. And not only is he inspiring, both David and his wife Michele are such wonderful people. I've known them my whole life (they are longtime friends with my parents... actually I think they knew my parents before they even got married!) and it's always great to get to talk with them and see what David has been up to.

And last (but not least!) tomorrow is my Dad's birthday!! yay!! He and my mom will be out of town so I won't get to see him, but check back tomorrow to see what I sent him :)

Oh, and this is completely random but it's just kind of bugging me. My wireless mouse is on the fritz. Or maybe it's my Mac. Whichever, they are pulling the old "silent treatment" and refuse to work with one another. Not the end of the world or anything, but still kind of frustrating.

Anyhow! I hope everyone has a wonderful wonderful weekend (and that the weather cooperates with whatever plans you may have!) We might take a trip to North Georgia for some kayaking (given all of the water around here is now horribly polluted because of the floods) but who knows. Any of y'all have big plans?

Monday Inspiration #1

one love photo via twig and thistle

How is it already the middle of August? I can't believe how quickly time flies. In just a few months the leaves will change, we'll be huddled around bon fires, and thankfully, it will start to cool down! Fall has always been my favorite season (how could it not? Cute clothes, Thanksgiving, crisp air and college football!) so I thought I would post something to get you in the mood for autumn. And how beautiful is that ceiling of lights? Maybe it's just me, but there is always something magical about cafe lights.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!

Happy Monday Everyone!

So while painting an order this morning I got to brainstorming and came up with a really cool (or at least, I think it's really cool) idea for the blog. Since all of my ideas run through my sketchbook before they make it here or on one of my note cards or invitations, I decided I should start sharing my sketchbook with you all! From invitation ideas to event decor ideas to rambling quotes etc., one day a week will be dedicated to showing everyone how my mind works. Hopefully y'all will have as much fun with it as I do!

Until then though, I thought I would share a happy/exciting moment that happened to me today. Anyone remember this post where I talked about the fabric I fell in love with down in Savannah? Sadly, I was told that it had been discontinued.

Well this morning, I was painting a set of table numbers (which you all will get to see soon) when I heard a knock on the door. A minute later I finally made it over to open the door (between the dog barking/protecting me and paint/ink on my hands it can sometimes become an ordeal!) I find a cardboard box addressed to me. I rip the box open (I really like presents :) ) and what is inside it? A huge amount of the supposedly discontinued fabric!!

My mom had done some magic, found it, and had it mailed to me so I could make our bedroom drapes. Yay!! It was like a Christmas in a box :) Btw- my mom is awesome and I immediately called to let her know so.

Want to see it?? Here you go.

Isn't it awesome? I'm going to attach black out fabric behind it to give it a sturdier feel, as well as to insure the colors appear the same when it's really sunny outside.

Hope you all have a great rest of the day!!


I saw this over on Unruly Things (via Oh Joy!) and fell in love with the store. Isn't the setup amazing? I love the styling. (Not to mention I swoon over just about anything that throws pops of color against deep chocolates and greens!)

Looks like I need to head over to San Diego and take a look for myself :)