I didn't intend to write a new artist statement today, but around noon today that's exactly what happened. And when I mean I didn't intend to, I mean it never even crossed my mind. I wasn't upset with my previous statement (I actually thought it conveyed what inspires my work/what I'm trying to say pretty well) but I was reading this piece on literature and book publishing when a quote stood out to me that got my mind racing. Before I knew it, a page of my sketchbook was covered with thoughts- some good, some not so good- all pointing to a common theme that repeats in each piece I create.
Now normally I cannot stand writing an artist statement; my mind just works best visually. Give me paper, paint, and ink and I can tell you my story- sometimes if I'm really good, I can make you feel it. But sit me in front of a computer and tell me to put words to that story? Well that is going to be a much more difficult task. My words always seemed to fall short. An idea that was so gigantic and important in my mind, would read as trivial. Emotions that felt earth-shattering while I painted became ordinary as my mind searched for the correct vocabulary to describe them.
(Side note before I forget, kudos to all of the truly talented writers out there. The gift you all have to transport our imaginations with ordinary words astounds me.)
But today was different. Today, I could find the words. Or at least most of them. I have no doubt that in a few months I will probably tweak my statement and maybe even after a few more months I'll scrap the whole thing mumbling something about it "not making sense" or "not capturing the essence" or something else meaning practically the same thing and be compelled to start over. But today I'm going to bask in the feeling of it being right. Today, I got that much closer to explaining how my art brings to life the swirling, emotional ideas of my mind (which sometimes consist of no more than color and line.)