Let's talk about trauma. (Seeing that today is Maundy Thursday, it felt like a good day for it.) I fully believe that most everyone has experienced trauma on some level. There are the examples that come to mind quickly- abuse, addiction, death- but trauma can go much deeper than that. It can happen when you're shamed for being yourself, when you're told your thoughts or feelings are invalid, even something as seemingly small as having no one to sit with at lunch. These "mini-traumas" happen each and every day and they shape our values, our personalities, and our souls. ASHES is my way of exploring the effects of trauma (my own, those of who I love, and those of society) and how our traumas can be reshaped to strengthen and focus us. How when we recognize our own traumas we allow space for something new and beautiful to be born. Something vulnerable, compassionate, and true. In my artist statement I named it "emotional kintsugi" in reference to the Japanese art of mending pottery with gold to create a piece even more special and beautiful than before by emphasizing its brokenness. Such a beautiful thought, right? That our scars don't have to be hidden? That they can be embraced and loved?
If you haven't had a moment to check out ASHES, head over to my site to see the entire collection. And if you feel moved enough to purchase a piece, know that I am honored to have my work hanging in your home.