Vulnerability is hard because it has the ability to hurt. It puts your guard down and makes you susceptible to scrutiny.
To judgment.
To gossip.
But it’s also the only way to connect. To show your true self and to build bonds and grow. It’s a bit ironic, but you can’t actually grow stronger until you admit when you are weak.
I started painting this collection to work through the wide range of emotions I was experiencing after learning my husband had cancer. In a matter of what felt like seconds, my healthy 39-year-old husband went from “no cancer/not even thinking about cancer” to somehow “has cancer and is undergoing surgery and chemotherapy.”
My brain just could not wrap around how quickly our life had changed, how helpless it all made me feel, and how scary it was.
I also wasn’t sure if I was ever going to share these paintings (much less offer them to be collected) but now that they are finished (and we are gratefully on the other side of things) I realized it would be untrue to myself if I didn’t.
So July 12 PLATINUM will be released. For everyone who has battled cancer, loved someone with cancer, or lost someone to cancer- this collection is for you.
*A portion of all the proceeds will be donated to Athens University Cancer and Blood Center to help others with the costs associated with treatment.
Crystal Heart by Courtney Khail ©
My newest series: PLATINUM