I can't believe it's taken me so long to post about this. But if we're being honest here, it's not like I didn't share the news like crazy before now (i.e. facebook, twitter, random outbursts in the grocery store magazine aisle...sorry random lady if my squeals and charlie brown-esque dance moves freaked you out.)
Though if by chance you don't follow me on twitter (but why wouldn't you? Don't you want to know my every last thought? yea. I thought so. Here is the link.) or on facebook (again, come on. Here is the link) or if by change you don't, you know, know me in real life in which I probably told you myself... then this post is just for you!
And while you probably already figured it out (hello title) I wanted to let you know that my work was featured in Southern Living Weddings!!! I'm still kind of giddy about it and feel super honored to be included. I'm actually getting emails and texts from people saying "hey! I saw your work!" which is really, really cool. So, yep. That's the exciting news!
And of course, a huge thanks and out pouring of gratitude goes out to Zoe over at Southern Living Weddings! I am so thrilled and humbled you included my work in your piece.