Brides Magazine (October) via courtney khail
A while back I tweeted about how one day I would absolutely LOVE to be on the pages of Brides Magazine and this month that came true! There, among other beautiful pieces complied for their "Lone Star Charm" piece was my garden rose invitation. Although I knew it was going to be published, there's nothing quite like holding it in your hand and seeing the actual finished piece. (I may have squealed in Barnes & Noble, but given I looked really young with my hair in a pony tail and was standing in front of the bridal magazine section, I bet everyone just thought I was super excited about being engaged or something.)
I've always loved the work Brides Magazine does- it's well written, diverse, and flows really well, but now after working with them I love the magazine (and it's staff) even more. They are super sweet, understanding (I hand paint everything per request so they patiently waited as I painted exactly what they were looking for,) and most importantly professional- all traits I value incredibly.
Thank you so much, Brides! This was seriously such an honor and I hope we get to work together again soon.