For the love of cheese

The Cheese Shed via A Cup of Jo

How did I not know about this until now?! Tiered cheese cakes? Like actual made from milk cheese not like the cream cheese kind with the graham cracker crust.

I need one.

And a box of crackers.

And maybe a selection of preserves.

Oh! and grapes. Can't forget the grapes.

Seriously, guys. This makes my week. I looooove cheese. I'm lactose intolerant and still attempt to eat my weight in cheese. It's just too good! I swear I could eat brie and baguettes everyday- you know, if it wouldn't add 10+* pounds to my frame and clog my arteries...

Either way, I think I found our anniversary cake...or my birthday cake** And don't think I'm too above sending this out to pretty much anyone I know who is about to get married.

*I say 10+ but we all know it'd be more like 20+, because come on- let's be serious here. I hate to work out.

**in addition to my mom's homemade Ben and Jerry's ice cream cake of course. Sorry mom, but I'm officially hooked and will need one for each future birthday. I love you!