I've gargled, taken over the counters, used the rubs, the juices, the fizzes... you name it, but still woke up to the most painful throat ever. And by ever, I am now to the point of actively trying not to swallow.
So I give up. It's been 5 days. I'm going to a doctor.
and p.s. I don't like doctors. Or taking medicine. I'm much more of a "let it run it's course" person. But with a ton of work to be done, our trip next week, and now not even wanting to eat it hurts so badly, I figured I should suck it up and figure out what this is.
* another note- I realized that I don't have a doctor anymore (besides an ER trip which was actually an emergency, I can't remember a time since college that I've visited the doctor just because I wasn't feeling well) so I spent all last night researching doctors around here and fingers crossed I picked a good one.
She's already winning points given that I get to come in this very afternoon.
I'll keep you posted on the progress.