Guest Post: Melanie from You Are My Fave

Normally on Fridays I would do a round up of cool things I've seen around the internet, but given that the national park system is not known for their high speed connections, I decided it would be more fun to have some of my favorite blogger friends stop by and share something summer related with you all. Hopefully you will enjoy them as much as I do! First up is Melanie from You Are My Fave. Not only is she sweet and genuine, but she also has an awesome sense of humor. (I know this of course because she gets my jokes haha...) So if you don't read her blog yet, go right now. Well read this, then go because you'll never want to leave. It's like getting a little dose of beauty every day. But enough of me rambling, here's Melanie.

via Hooray for Summer, watermelon on a stick, lawn and blankets, firefly jar

An ode to summer
Swim holes.Starry skies. Nighttime walks. Thunderstorms. High waisted skirts. Coral painted toes. Strings of lights. Fireflies. Road trips. Watermelon. Ice cream for dinner. Wildflowers. Green grass. Afternoon reads. Beach towels. Lemonade. Sparklers. Bike rides. Picnics.
Summer, I'm so glad we're best friends.