Happy Earth Day!

a photo taken during my husband's cross country trip. That is the view I want to wake up to everyday!

Happy Earth Day everyone! Although you should be doing most of these all the time, here are a few "be kind to the earth reminders!

-remember to turn off the lights when you're not in the room
-use a low flow shower head and try not to stay in there too long (I have to apologize in advance here. I am so guilty of the 30 min showers- even when I try to hurry up!)
-open windows (to use Mother Nature's AC)
-switch out old light bulbs for new energy efficient bulbs.
-use cloth bags when you do your grocery shopping (I've learned just to leave them in my car so I won't forget)
-recycle (everything from cans and bottles, to clothes)
- buy vintage when you can (need a new desk? What about a new chair? Go check out thrift and second hand stores for a cool antique desk and repaint, recover or refurbish. Not only does this help reduce waste, it will also save you money!) Need some ideas? Check out Design*Sponge for some awesome before and afters!

These are just a few ideas, so feel free to add your own!