Happy (Easter) weekend!

Nothing says Easter like awesome lace collars via my personal collection

Sorry for being MIA this week. My mom came to visit Sunday-Tuesday, I've been working like a crazy woman on wedding orders and note card orders, I volunteered to be part of a silent auction (not something I normally do, but it's for my sister so you know, some exceptions have to be made!) and today was CAMP (a get together for creatives to socialize and inspire each other) at the goat farm hosted by the lovely ladies of the studio space (Ginny Branch, Erica Loesing, Maria Taylor, and Amy Osaba) and the amazing people of Sun in My Belly (true story, I was their event manager's RA in college. Yep, I feel old.)

So yea, it's been a really busy busy week. Promise I'll be back next week. But to make things better, how about a childhood photo from the 80's to make up for it? Yea, I thought that might help. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! (Good luck finding the golden egg!)