Happy Father's Day!!!

Me and my dad when I was a baby. (and a plump one I might add... look at those chunky arms!)

In case you forgot that today is Father's Day, it is! Hurry to the phone!

Since we're in Europe, I won't get to see my dad today, but I thought I would go ahead and take this moment to say Happy Father's Day to my dad!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!!

My dad is such a wonderful man and is one of my closest friends. We've always had a very strong connection between us (like we're sick at the same times, have good/bad days at the same time, always seem to know when the other is bothered or needs to talk, etc) and have always been able to be very honest with one another (sometimes I think he wishes I wasn't always so honest :) ). He has such a warm heart and has done so much for our family- and I'm not sure I will ever be able to thank him for all that he has taught and given me. From teaching me to tie my shoes and baiting my fishing line so I wouldn't have to*; to helping answer my questions about starting a business and walking me down the aisle on my wedding day, he has always been there for me- encouraging me to follow my heart and my dreams. I am so lucky to have a father like him.

I love you, Daddy and I promise I am doing my best to call today :)

* p.s. I still can't put a worm on a hook. It completely grosses me out.