happy (mothers day) weekend!

my mom and me in Savannah a few years back

It's Mothers Day weekend and luckily I actually get to see my mom this weekend! Well not just me. All 3 (including J in that one) of her kids get to celebrate with her thanks to my awesome sister making brunch reservations. What about you all? Any big plans?

For all those new moms out there, here's a book that gets to the point.

My mom loves crème brûlée (how can you not?) so I'm pretty sure she would love this french toast.

Speaking of sweet things, how beautiful is this layered cake?

Having a hard day? Carry one of these around and always get a dose of comfort

I know it's a brooch, but given how much I love art deco pieces, I would love to see this made into a hair piece.

I know it would be (really) far away, but photos like this make me want to move to Paris. It's still one of my favorite cities!

I'm a bourbon girl so this tasting from Garden & Gun is right up my alley.

I will never turn down the opportunity to be awoken with food. Esp if that food is bacon. I will NEVER turn away bacon. Because I love breakfast in bed, I'll go ahead and assume most women like it as well and therefore it is a great Mothers Day idea. Unfortunately if there is anything I remember about Mothers Day growing up, is that breakfast in bed didn't always work with my mom. Mostly because she ALWAYS was awake before me. And not only would she wake up first, she would ALREADY have breakfast ready by the time I dragged my lazy self into the kitchen. (What can I say, my mom rocks and she just happens to know how much I love bacon.) If you happen to be able to beat your mom's alarm clock I think this is a super sweet idea.

And on that note, I'm off to wrap my mom's present. Hope you all have a lovely weekend!