happy weekend!

J and me with my parents at Mt. Evans

On one hand, I can't believe it's Friday. On another, thank God it's the weekend. This past week (and 1/2) has been crazy and I'm finally getting back to work/playing catch up. My parents were visiting last week/this week, so I kind of just turned off the computer and spend some quality time with them. Fortunately, I have the schedule to be able to do that and I planned ahead so I wasn't worrying about deadlines. It was so wonderful getting to see them! Hopefully we didn't wear them out too much. We seriously packed a TON into 5 days...

In addition to that, we're still dealing with water damage and repairs. I'm actually sitting under a hole in the ceiling as I type this post (I'm just so happy the fans and dehumidifier are finally gone!) Kind of strange seeing how the builders "changed there minds" while they were drywalling, though. Apparently, there was going to be a beam across the living room and the office , but they decided against it last minute and lowered the ceiling instead. But only in one part. So strange.

Oh! And we got new Colorado numbers. That was a little surreal (in a good way.) And, big news for anyone who saw my phone before (J "lovingly" referred to it as the brick,) I got a new phone! Yes. It's true. I have finally entered this century and have a phone that I can email, tweet, instagram, navigate, etc. on. Bring on the distractions!

Anyhoo. Hope you all will forgive the lack of links today-haven't really be able to surf the internet. Promise I'll get back on track soon!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Any plans?