have a lovely weekend

pink flamingos

via Design Crush

Not sure what the weekend has in store for us, but as long as it's not storming (like it has for the past few days) I'll be happy. Of course, I can't start the weekend until I get all of this work finished... so I have to run. Before I go though, here are some cool things I've found from around the web.

Clever, Lucerne.Very clever

holy seeds, batman! I wish this was still around.

If I didn't have such a habit of scraping over rocks, this translucent kayak would be a must have. Well that and crystal clear water...

Not exactly sleeping under the stars, but still dreamy.

Speaking of dreamy, how about a glass tub? (I can imagine cleaning it would be a major pain.)

I could definitely vacation here.

Lauren Conrad, I'll forgive The Hills because you created Paper Crown and I'd really like to have that black dress on page 7. And the shirt on page 14... and...15. Oh and the last dress. And the blue one. Seriously. She's created something beautiful here.

Maybe it's just because they bring back memories, but I am itching to make some of these this summer.

Simple ladylike reminders via snippet & ink

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!