Merry Christmas

via dust jacket attic

Merry Christmas everyone!!

For the first time since our honeymoon*, we aren't spending Christmas with our families. Due to a complicated work schedule, it was best for us to stay in Denver and start our own family traditions. (One in particular: J. and I collect an ornament from each place we travel/an ornament to represent something from that year. It's so fun to see all we've done together!) And although a little strange to be on our own, it's also kind of exciting. After dinner last night, J. and I cuddled up and watched Home Alone (is this toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association?) while a blanket of snow fell outside. (It's our first white Christmas so I may or may not have continuously looked out the window, smiling and jumping up and down a little.) As for today, two of our other friends also couldn't head back to their parents for the holidays so they're coming over for Christmas dinner. I cannot wait to host our first "grown up" Christmas- feels like such a milestone. Have any of you ever experienced that?

(Oh! Also, there is apparently a house just a little while away that coordinated it's lights to a radio station that I'm going to try to talk everyone into going to see. If that goes well, I may even suggest an epic snowball fight.)

What about you all? Any big Christmas plans or traditions you're excited about?

*Since we were married so close to Christmas, we actually spent our first Christmas as husband and wife lounging by a pool with frozen drinks.