new site!

It's been live for a little while now, but in case you haven't noticed- I have a new site! (Well same name, new look.) Thanks again to my incredibly talented friend Neil, we've upped the intensity and made it just a little moodier. We added larger photos, new work in the gallery (which can now be sorted based on exactly what you are looking for,) new tabs (the press page was incredibly humbling. You all rock!) more ways to connect (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) and a new home page with pretty much anything you could possibly need. Oh! And the blog! It's been updated too. (You can follow it in your RSS feed now too!) Larger photos, better layout- I won't lie, I'm kind of in love with it. (Also I keep saying we, but Neil pretty much designed the entire thing. Thanks, Neil!!) So if you could, please take a moment to look around and let me know what you think! (And thank you all for your love and support!! Means so much to me.)


(Also, on an equally exciting note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BIG SISTER!!!!!)