I saw this over at Martha Stewart and fell in love with the idea. (I actually might do this for some of my engaged friends!) It's supposed to be placed in the hotel suite of newlyweds so they have something to eat after the wedding reception. (I don't think J and I were ever so happy to see someone more on our wedding day than my sister when she arrived at our door with a picnic basket full of food. Between dancing and chatting, we didn't have time to eat and were famished after the reception!)
But why only for a wedding? I think it could be a perfect Valentine's Day present/activity! Think of sitting by a fire all cozied up and opening this little baby to share. Add a bottle of champagne and this would be my perfect dinner! Well, minus the caviar. I'm just not a big cavier person. Switch that out with some proscuitto and a cheese wedge and I'd be all set :)