4th anniversary

please excuse this interruption

Getting married in December you kind of expect it to be nice and cold. It was 70 degrees outside. (Photo via tim willoughby)

but it's our fourth wedding anniversary! I still sometimes have to pinch myself with just how lucky I am to have such an amazing husband. I whole heartedly believe in fate, in soul mates, and in God introducing you to the one you're supposed to be with and I know that six years ago (while dissecting a cat in college of all places) that's exactly what happened to us. J. encourages me to follow my dreams, believes in me, pushes me to be my best self, challenges me, makes me step out of my comfort zone, makes me laugh when all I want to do is pout, and on top of all of that, (at the risk of sounding really cliché') he loves me for who I am (which then gives me the freedom to just be.) I really feel like the luckiest girl alive and I am so grateful and honored that of everyone out there, he asked me to be his companion.

So.. Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart! Now that I've probably embarrassed you, thank you for making everyday an adventure, for loving me (even when I don't feel very lovable) and for always being by my side. You're the best gift I've ever received.