
studio sneak peek

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas weekend! My parents came up and we had our 2nd annual Atlanta based Christmas celebration complete with an incredibly tasty (if I do say so myself) family brunch at our home, present opening by the fire (you know where the bad gifts go! Just kidding. Seriously, how sad would that be? Not to mention we all got amazingly thoughtful and wonderful gifts) and then a huge dinner at my aunt and uncles house that night. It was so great getting to see everyone (we even got to see J's parents and brother for a little while) and just hang out together. (And thanks to the storms across the country, it snowed this year! Which made for my first true white Christmas. There's just something so magical about snow. It makes everything seem so still and clean (and makes me  just want to curl up by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate... which is precisely what we did.) Side note: Have I mentioned Christmas is my favorite holiday? Because it is. Everything and everyone just seems happier and joyful and full of cheer. (Heck, even the strangers ducking behind columns to hide from the change collecting Salvation Army Santa are smiling.) Wonderful time of year all around.

So back to the point. Now that all of the gifts have been opened, I can share this and not worry that someone is going to accidentally ruin the surprise.

Each year I make my dad a calendar, and this year I wanted to do something a little different. (And I mean a little. I am a watercolor artist; there is going to be some repetition haha) So in addition to the watercolor backgrounds, I also marked specific days of importance on the calendar (my parent's anniversary, our birthdays, valentine's day etc.) and attached magnets on the back for easy frig hanging. (And of course, after making them I kind of wanted some for myself too.) Here's how they turned out:

(excuse the lighting. I posted two photos together...)