
Craving: Temporary Tats

via Tattly

For the most part, I'm not a big tattoo fan. And not because I don't think they can be beautiful (they absolutely can) or because the can't be meaningful (one of my college roommates had one in memory of his mom who died the year before) or even because I'm pretty sure my dad would ground me if I got one (yes, I'm aware I'm married, no longer live at home, etc. etc. but still) but mostly it's because there are just SO MANY horribly done, meaningless, tattoos out there that take away from the beauty of the good ones. (Frat tat anyone?)

Of course, the artist in me doesn't always agree with my logical side and I find myself drawing on my wrist or up my arm- only to wash it off minutes or hours later depending on my mood. But see, that's the thing. I ALWAYS end up wanting to wash it off. So when Tattly was born? I knew I'd be a fan. Amazing designs by amazing artists and they are temporary? Jackpot.

And come on, who doesn't want a little more love in their lives?

Craving: Pebble Erasers

pebble erasers via mollaspace

I was going to save this for Christmas time because it reminds me so much of coal, but then I got real with myself and realized there was no way I would ever remember to share these in 8 months. (Which also means you don't have to wait 8 months to see these totally awesome erasers!)

Aren't they cool? I kind of want to buy one of those mini desk rock gardens (you know what I'm talking about right? The ones you see in bookstores right before you check out? Yep, right next to the mini gong you don't need.) and swap out the real rocks for these little beauties.

Of course then I'd have a mini rock garden on my desk and I'm not sure how I'd feel about that.

Craving: Dog Blue Prints

via uncommon goods

How cool are these?! I don't really have any wall space left (or $200 just sitting around asking to be spent on something I really don't need) but that doesn't stop me from randomly looking at these and envisioning it somewhere in our future home.

You know, the one we don't own... in a city we don't live in yet hahaha

Anyhow, speaking of labs, our poor little baby is on antibiotics right now and spending most of her days sleeping and drinking water. I hate seeing her sick (and really, not used to it. She's always been really really healthy) but was super proud of how she acted when we took her to the vet. So sweet and such a trooper. (May have been the 20+ treats the tech fed her. Not really on her diet, but whatever. I eat junk when I don't feel well too so no judgment here.)

**And wow. I just reread all of that and realized I've become one of those people. You know, the people who have conversations about their dogs. I always made fun of those people. Guess that's karma for ya. With all that said though, I will not stop making cat lady jokes. I am allergic to cats so I'm not worried about becoming one of those. As for a dog lady... well that doesn't seem so bad to me. Hence the desire for  a dog blue print poster.