via courtney khail
Well this has been an interesting week. You ever have one of those days where you’re just like “what the, hell day? I thought we were friends!” Tuesday tried to be one of those days (not trying to be a Debbie Downer, just being truthful) so before feelings were hurt, I told the day we needed a little break. Luckily, one of good friends could also take some time away from work that day so that is exactly what we did. Three hours later, equipped with new blinds, a fast food lunch, and some much needed girl talk, I felt a thousand times better. Do you ever take those? I find them to be 100% necessary to stay sane.
Wednesday and Thursday J. and I finally set up our backyard- which included stringing cafe lights from the garage and house- so of course now all I want to do is lounge around back there and play in the garden. ("Garden" is being used very very loosely here. It's more like dirt with random plants that I need to decide if they are weeds or herbs. Or just pretty weeds.)

And with all that said, I thought I'd share a painting I just finished (and shipped out.) Cutting this damn thing was a bit difficult (I wanted to keep the stem intact so I could paint the details in it) but I didn't lose any fingers and I absolutely loved how it turned out. What about you?
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!