thank you gift

From the Studio: Lemon Curd Thank You gift

via courtney khail

I went a little overboard with the lemon buying a few weeks back and knew I had to make something versatile enough to use in a lot of different things, but also that used up a decent amount of lemons because they were taking over the kitchen. And even though the hubs isn't the biggest fan of it, I decided to try my hand at lemon curd. Full disclosure, I only wanted to make it because of it's beautiful color. Well that and I'd also made a ton of shortbread cookies a few days before that were screaming for something sweet to dunk them in.

It really wasn't hard to make at all, but seeing as I ended up with a good 4 cups of it and I only needed about 1/2 a cup, I figured I'd turn the rest into a thank you gift for a friend. Sure you can give someone a card (might I suggest one of mine perhaps?) and call it a day, but why not give them a card AND an awesome tasty treat?

Side note, always test the food before giving it to someone. Last thing you want to do is brag on your chocolate chip cookies and then accidentally give someone a batch where you left out the sugar or something horrible like that. Though that would be hilarious...

via courtney khail

For this, I simply made the lemon curd (recipe here) and poured it into a glass mason jar. While the curd cooled, I cut a piece of white fabric just a little larger than the lid and then painted a bright yellow lemon onto a piece of watercolor paper for a tag. Once the paint dried, I wrote "thanks!" in black calligraphy ink, punched a hole at the top, and threaded through piece of yellow ribbon. After the curd was cool enough for me to handle, I used the yellow ribbon to the fabric around the top of the jar and made sure the tag faced outward.

Simple, tasty, and thoughtful- all rolled into one.

Although not necessary, after you've packaged the lemon curd, feel free to then convince yourself you need to go buy a vintage yellow gingham apron to photograph said lemon curd on top of. Share photos with friends and family who of course will remark how cool/thoughtful/creative you are. Upload to Pinterest to show the world how creative you are. Maybe even wear apron when you hand deliver the lemon curd to a friend. Then when they remark that you match, remark that you "just threw this old thing on" to keep from getting dirty and act like you hadn't even thought of it.

P.S I did buy a vintage gingham apron, but the rest is sarcastic. Unless you actually follow those steps and then you are awesome and I'd love for you to tell me how it went.