
from the studio: Fern Lake

I started this blog to give you all a glimpse into my life- to let you know more about the artist behind the work. In addition to my work, I've shown you objects I've found to be beautiful, design I feel is captivating, and links to things that are silly/interesting/should be seen. But I realized this past week that I never show you all one of the things I enjoy most- one of the things my husband and I do at least once a week (minds out of the gutter you guys.) I never show you how often I'm outside. You see, we're really...outdoorsy. I pause on that word because it normally brings up mental images of patchouli oil, panic shows (confession, love them) unshaven armpits, etc. and if you know me, you know that I love red lipstick, high heels, and vintage gowns. But there is a whole other side of me! The side that will hike miles upon miles with her husband just to find the most beautiful, secluded waterfall. The girl who collects rocks (whole vase full in my office) and is incredibly fascinated by wildlife and plants (the last part shouldn't be too surprising.) In addition to hiking, I absolutely love camping- so much so J and I took a 6 week long road trip across the country in which we only stayed in hotels every 3-4 days- and mainly just to shower. And although I love heels, you're more likely to find me barefoot or in chacos or boots depending on the season. Of course, all that said, I almost always wear earrings on a hike. Can't be completely void of fashion, right?

So I figured it's about time to share that side of my life. First up, a 10 mile hike in Rocky Mountain National Park that ends at Fern Lake:

Fern lake via courtney khail

Fern lake via courtney khail

Fern lake via courtney khail

Fern lake via courtney khail

Fern lake via courtney khail

Fern lake via courtney khail

Fern lake via courtney khail

Hope you all enjoyed this!