
Get your vote on- Courtney Khail for American Made

courtney khail finalist for martha stewart american made awardvote here!

No, silly, not for president (though that's coming up so make sure you're registered!) I'm talking about for American Made! I was lucky enough to be chosen as a finalist and now it is up to all of you to help me win. So if you would, please click on the link daily and vote. You can vote once a day, every day, until Sept 24th. Also, if you could, I'd REALLY appreciate you sharing this with pretty much everyone you know. Family members, co workers, friends, churches, randoms you meet standing in line at the grocery store- I'm down for everyone. (My poor contact list- they are being bombarded!)

Click here!! Or paste this into the box:

And a huge thank you to everyone who has already voted. Your support means the world to me! (Now let's go win this thing.)