via ffffound
I'm crossing my fingers that the weatherman isn't lying and it really will be in the 70's and beautiful this weekend. I need some sunshine in my life! (The cold doesn't bother me nearly as much as gray rainy days.) Plus- let's be honest here- I really want to wear these new (amazing) shoes I have and they are definitely more for a bright bright bright bright sun shiny day. (yep, that was me singing to you. I may have even danced a little.)
Anyhow. On to the links:
My grandparents had a map where they put a pin into every place they ever visited together and I remember thinking how great of an idea that was. Apparently, I'm not alone. Isn't this map beautiful?
I've mentioned that I want to learn Italian (I have the formalities down. kind of.) but after listening to this beautiful song, I'm going to go ahead and add French to the list.
What if ad agencies planned children birthday parties? (This cracked me up.)
The love doesn't have to stop with Valentine's Day. Save lipstick and time and just pick up one of these.
This reception was on a tennis court?! Be.a.u.tiful.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!