Winter is here! (and I'm addicted to my phone.)

Geese a laying via courtney khailStumbled across these little guys on the way home from the grocery store yesterday. I then of course started singing the 12 Days of Christmas. Good thing I was alone in the car.

Hmm. November 6th was my last post? Where the heck has the month gone? To be honest though, I'm still getting used to writing "2013." Per usual, I bet I will finally get the hang of it come Christmas time. And then I will promptly have to change that to 2014 come January 1st! I accidentally wrote 1986 on a letter a month ago, which no only is really wrong, but is also kind of funny because that's when I was born. I must have been a really smart baby if I was already penning letters by 6 months old.

So let's see what has been goin' on.

Ski season started! Which for all of you that do not enjoy the snow, I bet that sounds miserable. But for me... someone who would happily do snow angels anytime I see snow if it wasn't for my paranoia at what is underneath the snow, well it just makes me super happy. Second only to fall, winter is my favorite. I love the fashion, and the traditions, and the music, and the food (I am kind of on a soup kick right now and I'm counting down the hours until I get to devour green bean casserole)... it's all amazing to me. Cap that off with glistening snow- which I personally feel makes everything magical and beautiful- and I am one happy girl. Winter also means that if you're having a hard time getting in touch with me, it's probably because I'm skiing. And seeing as I still have a hard time taking a photo on the mountain with my camera, likelihood is I'm not going to be making calls or checking emails. While I attempt to catch up once we're back home, I have to admit it's pretty nice to just check out for the day and not worry about the little "dings" alerting me to something new.

liam walsh cartoon for new yorker via courtney khailLiam Walsh cartoon for the New Yorker

Speaking of, did you read this New York Magazine article about the various ailments our phones/devices are causing? Separation anxiety, sleep deprivation, burnt thighs, pulled thumbs... it's crazy. After J. and I discussed my not remembering the last time I read a REAL book (I'll give Kindles, etc. a pass here- I'm talking about something non magazine, blog, Facebook, etc. related) I realized it was about time to turn off my phone/computer/etc. even more. I always thought I was really good at balancing it. I try never to check my phone when I'm with someone unless I have to and I can go hours/full days without even having it on me, but I realized that's really only when I'm away from home. When I'm at home and have free time, the first thing I do is pick up my phone. Or the ipad. Or turn on the tv. It's crazy and I'm trying to be more aware and present and selective with my time. Even if that means putting away/turning off everything and just making myself sit there and read. Or paint. Or cook. Pretty much ANYTHING besides falling down the electronic rabbit hole.

Which in my round about, kind of not related at all way, brings me to tomorrow!Two of our friends are hosting Friendsgiving at their place and I'll put my phone away (for the most part. I'll probably still use the camera) and just visit with everyone and stuff my face. (See above comment about green bean casserole.) Y'all have any plans for this weekend?