
Jeweled Velvet

This rug sparked a whole new love for jewel toned velvets for me. I've gotten pretty obsessed with home decor lately, but couldn't find that one piece that set the tone for everything else I was looking for. And this I saw this rug and it all came together in my head. My love for neutrals, glass, reclaimed wood- and of course the lush pop of color that comes from differing textiles. I can't wait to have a chair recovered in #530. Oh or maybe #526. So gorgeous!

In other news, more orders are being mailed out tomorrow (I'll share those soon) and then early Sunday morning we are jumping on a plane and heading out west! Can't wait to spend our days skiing, exploring and looking at possible future neighborhoods :)

With that said though, our vacay means that I won't be posting for about a week (unless I happen to sneak some internet time in) so... I hope everyone has a fantastic week!! See you when we get back!


My sister is redoing her place* so I have been receiving a ton of emails from her about the perfect chair/rug/couch etc. If my "really want to go ahead and move/buy a house already" bug wasn't pestering me before, now it really is. Between giving her advice on throw pillows and lamps, I keep catching myself clicking through west elm, restoration hardware, and crate and barrel-mentally making notes of what I like and don't like. Oh and of course I'm perusing craigslist for a fantastic old pieces of furniture that I could redo as well as spending more time than I would like to admit on sites like desire to inspire, apartment therapy, and design*sponge.

So with all that in mind, I stumbled across this little beauty (something I think would be easy to make myself actually) and kept thinking of how nice it would be as an "extra" chair. You know, the one in a guest bathroom with plush towels resting on top or the one that fit perfectly in the little "who knows what this is for" nook that couldn't hold anything else.

Can't imagine it would be the most comfortable (reminds me of an old school desk chair) but maybe that's where all of the charm lies. There is something very nostalgic about it, while still being fresh, clean and modern.

And on that note-J has got to graduate already so we can go buy our house out west :)

Happy Thursday everyone!

*can I just say how flattered I was when I found out she was redoing her living room to revolve around a piece of my artwork? Super flattered, and a little humbled. It always makes me so happy to know something I made with my own hands brings joy to other people. Knowing one of those other people is in fact my own sister only makes it that much more wonderful.

Simple rustic affair

row 1: photo via snippet and ink
row 2: elizabeth messina photo via oncewed, porcelain utensils via caroline swift, paper sack menu via sunday suppers row 3: , burlap fabric via the paris apartment, hanging postcards via design sponge, dress via the english dept

I know a (really) cold front has hit the majority of the country right now so many people are dreaming of sitting by a fire or playing in the snow, but I saw this top image on snippet and ink and haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Since I promised today's post would be "lighter" I figured an inspiration board based on this image was perfect.

This one is all about staying simple and rustic. A lot of natural elements (fresh herbs, the dirt

floors, exposed wooden tables) with touches of off white porcelain and simple laid back fabrics (like burlap and thin white cottons.) As the party goes into the night, I see a ton of twinkle lights hanging from the ceiling and tucked into the shrubs and a family style dinner of different pastas, bottles of red wine, and oven fired home made pizzas covering the tables.

Has anyone else noticed a shift to the "simple" for big events such as wedding? It seems as though more and more people are realizing that the day isn't about coordinated favor boxes and towering flower arrangements, and instead are holding tight to what really matters to them. Personally, I think it's wonderful!

Have a great day, everyone!

Happy New Year!

Side note: best read with this playlist.
"May all your joys be pure joys, and all your pain, champagne." -great quote my sister used in her MOH speech at our wedding
via personal collection

Just wanted to stop in and wish you all a happy start to 2010! Hopefully you had a wonderful time celebrating- no matter if that meant partying it up in NYC with friends like my sis or simply attempting to stay up until midnight but still falling asleep by 9pm on the couch with your happy new year tiara hanging on for dear life (you know who you are!) Over here a group of us went out to a fabulous dinner at Lupe complete with our fantastic server adorning us with NYE hats and noisemakers before rushing home just in time to pop the champagne, begin the count down, and toast in the new year!

Bear in mind this affair was thrown together in about 2 hours black and white desserts (chocolate crackle cookies and vanilla pound cake dipped in dark chocolate), silver candlesticks and serving ware, glasses tied with white bows, and the simple white runner I made for Christmas breakfast. Just another reason why classic mixable pieces are the way to go!

Here's to a year full of amazing new memories!

DIY Wreaths

I've been dancing around the house listening to a mix of Christmas music and the awesomeness that is mr. antonia and remembered that I never shared our wreath(s)! Shame on me. So without further ado... our front door wreaths!

I don't like paying a lot for something that is going to die (just ask my mom to recap our conversations about wedding flowers :) ) and these are no different. Wreaths die. (I don't like fake flowers or fake greenery so I'm not including those in this statement. Want something that isn't going to die? Try ornaments. Or pinecones. But please. no. fake. plants.)

anyhow. We'll start with the greenery. I went to our local nursery turned tree farm and made friends with guys who only work there over the break and explained that I didn't need garland exactly, just evergreen branches. They shared the secret that I could take as much of the "leftover" evergreen that they cut off of trees for free. Free's nice. Esp. given that the garland was $3 a foot and my mantle and wreaths would need at least 20 ft. Not sure about you, but I would much rather by a dress, or shoes or something fabulous for under the tree with that $60 than buy cut garland that would just die and be thrown out come December 28th-ish.

Next I ran by the craft store to buy something to use as a frame. I ended up using embrodiery hoops because I didn't feel like paying over $3 per wreath wire frame thing when these little babies were like $3 total. And wasn't there a huge blog trend with decorating with these sewing circles? Yea, I thought so. So if you were trendy and got on board with that, you already have some of these lying around your house begging to be made into something beautiful.

step 1: get everything together and then cut off little pieces of evergreen from the big branches

After buying green floral wire I was set. I covered the floor of our living room with kraft paper and went to town. (Have I mentioned I was sick with a horrible cold when I decided to make this? No? Well I was. Hence I had the time to sit and do this since medicine makes me loopy and awake and boredom forced me to find something simple to keep me occupied in between bouts of sneezing and coughing. Honestly, I don't really expect people to have hours to sit and make wreaths normally, but since almost everyone gets the flu or a bad cold, after you mistakeningly think you're "better" so you try to do a lot and end up back home feeling badly all over again, take that time and make something like this :) )

step 2: put pieces on frame and attach with floral wire

Word to the wise: plan these out some. Have everything go in one direction. Layer the branches to make the wreaths look fuller, and don't worry if it's a little off- that's what makes them natural looking.

Step 4: Keep over lapping branches, holding in place with wire, and slowly circle the entire hoop. Step 5: Remind yourself you really should get a manicure after working with sap.

Step 6: fill in patches with more branches (don't forget to attach with wire!) to make it look full. I actually took this one appart and started over since the branches didn't go in the same direction. (hence the advice on making sure you start that from the beginning.)

Step 7: (sorry no pictures- I only have 2 hands) Loop ribbon between 2 wreaths and tie it off in a big bow. Arrange so the bow sits on the base of the top wreath.

Step 8: repeat so all 3 wreaths are now tied together. Oh! and make one extra bow.

Step 9: tie extra bow onto base of bottom wreath.

I didn't make the extra bow at first and it looked off. Just another lesson learned. After this, you're done. Hang up, step back, take pictures, talk about it on your blog, post on facebook... you know, whatever makes you feel good :)

Happy Tuesday everyone!