
Craving: Boot Pull

this boot pull via smiss miss

So I don't really have a need for this just yet, but one day when we're living where it snows a lot and I'm cursing at myself for having such tight boots on ahem, I mean, wrestling with pulling off my super cute (even if not the most functional) snow boots- I will have a need. And when that time comes, how nice will it be to have something as handy as this?

Of course, I can also see myself placing my boot in it, performing a wildly too dramatic tug (because of aforementioned lack of functional boots that I just had to wear) and then losing my balance and tumbling down to the floor only to be rushed to the hospital because I managed to break my leg or something important like that.

But because I will do this is the comfort of my own home, when y'all see me limping around on (even less snow capable) crutches I will tell you I broke my leg after running away from a bear/mountain lion/rabid raccoon. And you'll have to believe me because I'll live in the mountains.

Maybe I'll even use wild hand gestures and make bear noises (because Lord knows I'm a hand talker and I love a good sound affect.) Hey, while I'm at it maybe I'll toss in something about saving a baby or a puppy or something with as well. You know, for good measure.

Anything besides saying I tripped on the boot pull I just had to have.

Come to think about it, maybe I should just stick to something smaller like this instead.

Craving: Dog Blue Prints

via uncommon goods

How cool are these?! I don't really have any wall space left (or $200 just sitting around asking to be spent on something I really don't need) but that doesn't stop me from randomly looking at these and envisioning it somewhere in our future home.

You know, the one we don't own... in a city we don't live in yet hahaha

Anyhow, speaking of labs, our poor little baby is on antibiotics right now and spending most of her days sleeping and drinking water. I hate seeing her sick (and really, not used to it. She's always been really really healthy) but was super proud of how she acted when we took her to the vet. So sweet and such a trooper. (May have been the 20+ treats the tech fed her. Not really on her diet, but whatever. I eat junk when I don't feel well too so no judgment here.)

**And wow. I just reread all of that and realized I've become one of those people. You know, the people who have conversations about their dogs. I always made fun of those people. Guess that's karma for ya. With all that said though, I will not stop making cat lady jokes. I am allergic to cats so I'm not worried about becoming one of those. As for a dog lady... well that doesn't seem so bad to me. Hence the desire for  a dog blue print poster.

happy (halloween) weekend

I've been swamped this week (the good kind of busy though) and haven't gotten a chance to share the cool things I've seen around the web for Halloween. Given that Halloween is THIS weekend, I figured I better do it now (or forever hold my peace.) And even though it's actually on Sunday*, we'll be celebrating Saturday after the UGA vs. Florida game. Hope you all have fun this weekend!

hellochloerose via designcrush

awesome pumpkins via designsponge

I kind of want these for everyday... via marthastewart

also via martha

and even though I am a total wimp and can't handle anything remotely scary so I would NEVER be caught dead in a haunted house, if you are up for that sort of thing, check out the top 10 haunted houses here.

* Visiting two of our friends this past weekend, J. and I saw a sign stating that trick-or-treating in the neighborhood would take place Sunday, October 31st between 6:30p-8p. The huge (boring) orange sign made me long for the days when specific times weren't necessary. People just knew that you started as soon as it was dark enough for your awesome flashlights/lanterns to be useful and stopped once the porch lights went off. Very similar to how balloons on a mailbox=party; no porch light=no candy. Not to mention, just having a sign telling me exactly when I could pester people for Kit Kats would simply make me want to trick or treat until 8:01p. You know, because I'm such a rebel and all.

west elm and why I'm afraid of fur

West Elm has been hitting it out of the park lately. Here are some of my favorites:

this woodcut dinnerware is so beautiful. I love the gold and white as well as how they incorporated scientific illustration with a twist

The saturation of color on these pillows is beautiful. And I love seeing a pattern that isn't stripes, chevron stripes, or dots. (Not that I don't love those, you just see them everywhere.)

Normally, I'm not a big fan of fur. Sure it's soft and warm, but fur and me? Well we have a history. When I was about 6 or 7, I went to school wearing a brand new fur jacket. (Thank you 90's for such unique fashion choices.) It was right after Christmas (I probably got the jacket for Christmas actually) and we were all outside on the "blacktop" doing jumping jacks or something to wear us out before having to go back inside. Sometime between thinking about how much I really didn't like jumping jacks and trying to find a way to play four square instead, a dog from one of the neighboring houses appeared. (I think his name was Otis. He normally would come out during recess to play and we all loved him. Well we all loved him until this day.)

So I saw Otis coming down the hill and the moment he saw me a crazed look took over his face. Next thing I know, he is bounding towards me, mouth open, with his teeth gleaming in the sunlight. The next few seconds were kind of a blur, but I assume I was thinking Otis might be coming over to play, but as his mouth wrapped around my little arm I realized something was very wrong. The rest I remember vividly. I instinctively ripped off the jacket, sacrificed it to the dog, and then watched in horror as he covered it in drool and proceeded to "kill it." It felt like hours before my gym teacher ran to the jacket's "rescue." (He then gave the mauled thing back to me to "keep warm." Seriously? No, thank you. I may be 6 but I'm not stupid. I'd rather just freeze to death than relive that.)

Ever since that life threatening experience, I've been a little afraid to wear/own fur.  Maybe I'm just being over dramatic, but as a 6 year old, watching as a MASSIVE dog charges you, and then sinks his teeth into your arm thinking you were a rabbit or something, I am pretty sure you'd think twice too.

Either way. I would love still to snuggle up in the white one. That is, as long as Bella realizes it's a blanket and Otis is still 2.5 hours away in my hometown.

what dreams may come

I saw this over at Desire to Inspire and fell in love with how painterly it all looks. To be honest, that is what I thought it was at first- simply a painting! After reading a little more though I realized it was the design work of Debra Cronin. Maybe not exactly what I would like in my home, but lovely all the same.

Oh I need this.

via greencouchdesigns

Seriously? 1/2 pack rat, 1/2 organizational genius. I neeeed one of these. Actually I need two of these because J. and I must have the "have you seen my cell phone? what about my gum?" conversation at least 4 times a week.

Kind of reminds me of cubbies from kindergarten. Beautiful little cubbies, but cubbies none the less.