
Studio Sneak Peek: Radio Interview

A little while ago, Martine emailed me to see if I would be interested in appearing on a radio show she co-hosts with Lee Anne Culpepper to talk about my business. Despite the fact I normally cringe whenever I hear myself speak (this isn't just me, right? Doesn't everyone have a "wow, that's what I sound like?" moment when they hear their voice mail message or something?) I decided it sounded like fun and said yes.

So after an hour in the studio, here it is! (I'm the show from May 26th.) If you'd like to hear what I actually sound like (as well as a little more on how I got started, my background, etc.) I'd love for you to take a listen.

Studio Sneak Peek: dream.create.inspire

About a month ago I did an interview for Christina Loucks' dream.create.inspire series on her blog. She began series in order to provide insight into the lives of creative entrepreneurs and focuses on asking about what motivates you, how to handle rejection, and what to do if something just isn't working out. I've really enjoyed reading her other interviews and am honored to be included as well! (Thanks, Christina!) If you'd like to take a look, click over right here.

(Apologies for the formatting, Christina said she was having issues with Wordpress so some things aren't how she'd like them to appear!)