Demystifying the Commission Process


Demystifying the commission process: or at least trying to make it a little clearer 😉

If I’m painting a series (or just for fun) I usually start with the watercolor and then use the shape, color variations, etc. to influence and inspire what bloom to pair with it. With commissions though, it’s done a little differently. Instead of just diving in with color, I study the blooms we’ve decided on and sketch various shapes on top of them before picking the one that looks best and starting the painting.

Of course, it’s not an exact science. Water is fluid, weather impacts how quickly a piece dries (and therefore how long the colors have to mix and shift) and sometimes I end up just “throwing something in there” because it makes the piece richer.

The end result? (Hopefully) an awesome painting that captures the story and personality of my client that they’ll completely fall in love with.

(Interested in having a commission created but have questions? Just send me an email and I’ll get you the answers.)