I love this Jose Villa photo I found via apartment 34. I mean, just look at that awesome umbrella.
wednesday wisdom-no props necessary
* a little bit of a different take on wednesday wisdom... more like wednesday opinions!
so many engagement photos are filled with props these days- vintage cameras, bow ties (yes. this is a prop if your guy never wears them) furniture dragged out into a field to look like an anthro catalog- tons and tons of "things" that are supposed to make your photos more unique and stylish. But you know what I think is stylish? Being yourself. Showing the love you to share. Wearing your favorite outfits and just enjoying the day together as someone happens to take photos. That's why I found this photo to be so refreshing. (I think I found it on snippet&ink, if anyone knows the photographer please please let me know so I can credit them.)
It's just them having fun together. No vintage cameras or board games, no velvet couch under a maple tree- nothing staged or stuffy, and I think they are just beautiful photos. Photos you can look back on without thinking "oh goodness. why did we do that?" Photos you can put up in your home. Photos to be cherished.* (And yes, a beautiful location like theirs doesn't hurt.)
*this is not to say unique trendy photos are cool or can't be cherished. I just love it when the emphasis is on the love, not on creating a photo shoot.
** and please. If you're not a photographer, don't have cameras in your photos. Hate scrabble? Then don't "play it" during a "vintage" picnic in the park. Be yourselves. I promise you two are awesome just the way you are.
*** and of course this is just my opinion. If you want banners and bunting and furniture (oh my!) then by all means, have at it!
Thursday Inspiration
I love this photo by Max Wanger. It's just so magical. I can almost hear the music and laughter in the distance.
Maybe it's the artist in me, but I absolutely love photography! Personally, I think photography is the most important "extra" of a wedding.* There is just something so beautiful and special about capturing the love between two people! And who says you can only do this if you're engaged or getting married? I think everyone deserves a photo shoot.
*I say photography is an extra because really all you need for a wedding is the bride and groom and the promise to love each other. Well that and an officiant, witnesses and a license if you'd like to be legal :)
Laughing so hard you fall down

This wedding looks like it was so much fun. Here's to couple's whose main focus is having a great time with their guests!
Here Comes the Sun

Is it true?! After all these days of rain, is this weekend actually going to be sunny?! thatissoawesome.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
Beautiful Inspiration
Johnny Miller's work is just exceptional. I love his shots.
A Santa Fe sunset
I found this wedding over on Style Me Pretty's blog. Shot by Gia Canali, this wedding is absolutely beautiful to me. The colors were based off of those found during a Santa Fe sunset, and I think they work just wonderfully together. For more on the wedding, head over here.
photography (the pictures are here!)
Being an artist, one of the most important parts of J and my wedding to me was photography. I wanted to find someone who was creative and artistic and would really capture some beautiful and timeless shots that day. At first, we were going with a friend of mine from art school, but sadly, about 7 months before the wedding she realized she had a conflict and wouldn't be able to do it. I freaked out (like I said, this was a REALLY important thing to me). I didn't know what to do since the whole wedding was basically planned and budgeted for by that time and I really didn't want to settle. Then I got an email from my sister about a friend of hers who booked Tim and that I should look at his website.
Let me preface the rest of the post by saying there are some INCREDIBLY talented photographers! I saw and spoke with many of them and will feature some of them from time to time on this blog. But when I saw Tim's website, I started tearing up looking at the pictures. They were phenomenal. Completely the style I was looking for- beautiful, artistic and really captured the moments happening. I think it was Elizabeth Ann Designs that featured a wedding he did in Savannah and once I saw that slideshow, I was sold.
I emailed him what happened, he was incredibly understanding and worked with me to help me out and within a week I had my perfect photographer!
We didn't get to meet until the day of the wedding (even though he's from my hometown and I was back and forth from there and Atlanta all of the time), but it felt like an old friend taking our pictures. He was a load of fun, really comfortable to be around and really knew his stuff.
If you are looking for a photographer, look into him. He's willing to travel and I promise he won't disappoint!
And now on to the photos:
All of these are by Tim Will photography
We decided to see each other before the ceremony, but a reveal was still very important to us. I had my Dad walk me to J (who was waiting in our suite) and present me. The first one is of my Dad kissing me before we went into the room, and the second is of him I think asking J if he was still sure he wanted to go through with it :)
Because we took pictures before, Tim was able to capture a lot of wonderful shots, not to mention it really helped calm my nerves because we got a few moments alone together.
We also got to take our bridal party shots together. I really love to read, so in addition to the sanctuary pictures, we took some in the church's library. Our friends are a little wild and inappropriate and once again, Tim did an awesome job capturing our reactions to all the jokes being told!
Since it was so close to Christmas our church was already decorated. In addition to a white poinsettia my mom picked up, all I had to do was add garland and two "reserved wreaths". To save money and time, I made these in Atlanta (with the help of Pike's nursery) and we all hung these the day before the wedding.
Our first dance to Etta James "At Last"
If these weren't enough and take a look at the whole slideshow! And please remember Tim the next time you (or someone you know) needs a photographer. He is so awesome!