color inspiration: charcoal and blush

gray, pink, charcoal and blush via courtney khail (photo by laura zalenga)

photo via Laura Zalenga

I finally found it. My perfect bedroom color scheme-dark and moody, but still somehow refreshingly calm and uplifting.

I know a lot of people tend to gravitate towards bright spaces- and I do too, kind of, when it comes to places like the kitchen or a bathroom. But aside from those areas (and sometimes even in those too) I always seem to fall hard for the dark, industrial, almost grittiness of charcoals, blacks, and greys. (Ever notice almost all of my photos are on a black background despite the industry standard of using white?) They remind me of figure drawing classes in college- where everything from your charcoal covered hands to the polished concrete floors were dark. The only light available was found peering in from beneath the studio door or the one spotlight on the model you were drawing.

Come to think of it, the scientific illustration/graphic design building was pretty dark too. Beautiful huge windows with gorgeous natural light, balanced perfectly with cold metal stairwells, worn wide plank floors, and computer labs completely pitch black apart from the eerily glowing screens of 24 Macs. Everything seemed to tell a story and have a purpose. Funny how those experiences define your style, isn't it? If only I could find a way to live in the Tanner Building. (Which I guess I technically did for roughly 4 years of my life.)