photo via lovely little things, martha stewart bar via ritzy bee, flags via solid frogs,
There is something incredibly luxurious about saturated colors. The depth of an emerald, the bright yellow of a freshly picked lemon, the creamy brown of fine leather- you only need a hint of a truly saturated pigment to make an impact. I think that's why I've had this photograph stuck in my mind for months now. The punch of cherry red from the shoes paired with the slight glimmer of the gold just hooked me. On one hand the combination reminds me of old libraries, formal dining rooms and the opulence normally reserved only for palaces (or homes that wished to be palaces), but when used in small doses there can also be something very curated and elegant about it. Like adding the perfect red lipstick to a normally mundane jeans and t-shirt combo, or seeing a red vintage bike propped up outside of an old faded cafe wall. Either way though, I always love the vitality these colors bring with them.