Happy (almost February) weekend!

because porcupines are the cutest baby animal EVER. You're welcome. via sharon montrose

Happy Friday everyone! I've been planning major catch up this week after taking a week off for Alt, so I'm thrilled that the weekend is in sight. Well, thrilled and terrified because I still have so many things to do today! But as I wait on paint to dry (because there isn't much you can do when that's happening) I figured now was the perfect time to catch you all up on some fun things I've found while perusing the internet.

It's not even February and I'm already getting into the Valentine's Day spirit- these heart shaped cheeses Chelsea posted about would be perfect for a picnic.

I can't tell you how many times I've been asked how to tie a bow tie. Maybe now I'll know how to answer them.

Seeing the Arizona Balloon Show is definitely on my to do list. There is just something so magical about hot air balloons.

A love filled print

I need to make these desserts pronto.

I also need Liz Lemon to be a real person so we can be friends.

Did you go to Alt? Want to know who else did? (or maybe you're just curious) Meg made a huge list for all of our networking and connecting needs.

Speaking of Alt, I get so excited to see people excited about my work.

And speaking of work, it's time to get back to it. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! And fun plans? We're seeing a concert tonight with two of our closest friends and I can't wait to awkwardly dance (see minute 1:45 to understand what I mean) the night away.

See you all on Monday!