Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I know it's not for everyone, but I absolutely LOVE Valentine's Day. Not so much the commercial hooplah, but I adore the idea of slowing down and taking the day to tell people just how much you love them. Glittery hearts, boxes of chocolate (which just happened to be a large part of my breakfast this morning, no judgements), flowers- I love it all.
Okay, well I don't love the commercial that tells men they're going to getting lucky by giving your lady an oversized teddy bear. That creeps me out. Almost as much as the footed pajama's with a "back flap" for added convenience. Really people?
Valentine's Day is just a beautiful reason to really reflect on how much love is around you. The love of your spouse, your parents, your siblings, your friends- if you actually take a minute to think of everyone you love and everyone who loves you- it's pretty damn humbling and heartwarming.
And like I said before, this holiday encourages glittery hearts and flowers. ENCOURAGES IT. If that doesn't make you happy then maybe this will:
To show my love for all of you this Valentine's Day, enter VALENTINES13 and get 20% off your order.
And on that note, Happy Valentine's Day everyone! If you're so inclined, I'd love to hear what love you're celebrating today.