Happy Weekend!

hahaha via here

I've been super busy this week (which is awesome) and have some really exciting news to share over the next few weeks, but until then I thought I'd share a few links I've found from around the web.

J. and I got engaged in the rain, so this engagement session from Paul Von Rieter (via Greylikesweddings) definitely pulled a heart string.

Speaking of engagements, I love this one. He proposed in a fort!

This dress rocks.

I usually paint my own calendars or refer to my (wonderful gold) planner when my days are running together or I need to remember something, but I couldn't help and smile when I saw this letterpress calendar by brown parcel press. Just look at March. There are chickens. And eggs. Perfection!

Oh the lost art of the mix tape. nothing said love like 12 perfectly selected and copied songs. (props if you ever had a radio dedication.)

I want this bike.

Speaking of things I'd like to have, let's throw these on the table as well. How beautiful are those?!

Happy weekend everyone!