Studio Sneak Peek: blackberries and wildflowers

"Blackberries & Wildflowers" via courtney khail stationery and design (feel free to share but please credit my work and link back to my site.)

This is the last week of my new designs- I hope you've enjoyed getting to see them and learn a little more about how they came about!

While I love all of the new designs (like love love), there is something special about this one. Maybe it's because it's hand written, or maybe because it's so unique and colorful. Either way, I'm very pleased with it. Called "Blackberries & Wildflowers" it's the only design that incorporates fruit into the illustration. I have fond childhood memories of picking strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries, so when I started thinking of an entirely wildflower based, summery design, I knew I wanted to incorporate berries somehow. Their rich colors, their lip staining juices, their sweetness, their smells- they perfectly represent summer to me. I also wanted a the bouquet of flowers to seem like you just collected whatever looked pretty to you as you walked through a field.Similar to the bouquets you'd pick for your mom when you were out playing. (I'm not the only one who did that right?) One of each flower- maybe two, but a very loose and colorful assortment. After researching and drawing out tons of wildflowers, I put those sketches away and drew this one entirely from memory. I didn't want anything to look too specific because I wanted my illustration to remind everyone of some flower they've seen growing on the side of a road. (Looking back though, I can tell I was greatly influenced by the Cherokee rose, wild plum blossoms, lilacs, and wild violets- just in case anyone was curious.) Grouping them so closely allowed me to create a "thicket" of sorts- almost an imaginary berry bush of my own. Because it feels very homey to me (and not in a rustic, weathered way because I think this could be just as beautiful if done formally too- but in more of a comfortable, embracing kind of way) I decided the sample invitation should be hand penned. That way, when you received the invitation it would be just as though you were opening a letter from a good friend.

I hope you enjoy this one as much as I do and thank you again for letting me share my new designs with you! I hope you had as much fun as I did. In case you happened to miss any, here is the complete list:

Modern Daisy

Wild Peony

Lilac & Rose

Sweet peas & Peonies

Blackberries and Wildflowers