Guest Post: Chelsea from frolic

Chelsea's blog {frolic!} was one of the VERY first I ever read. (It was also the first blog I advertised on and the blog that sent me my very first really big order so I kind of have a soft spot for it.) I love how light and airy it was (and is) and it's still one of the blogs I make sure to check daily. Not only is Chelsea a fantastic blogger, but she's also an incredibly talented event designer and a commercial floral and prop stylist (and she does weddings so someone go get married and hire her- promise you will not be disappointed.)  And even though as of right now we haven't met for real (I'm writing this before the fact, but by the time it's published we will actually have met in person! Yay road trips and Portland!) I already consider her a friend. She's just that nice and real of a person. And cool. Did I mention she up and moved to Sweden for a little while? Yea. See what I mean? She's cool. Thanks for posting, Chelsea!

One of my warm weather rituals is to flee work and head to the park at dinner time. I take my food to the green grass and watch the sailboats on the river. The smaller boats are my favorite and I like to dream about owning one. But for now, they help provide a peaceful moment during busy days and a way to savor this short season. Happy summer!

Photos and post by Chelsea Fuss of Frolic!