guest post

Guest Post: Chelsea from frolic

Chelsea's blog {frolic!} was one of the VERY first I ever read. (It was also the first blog I advertised on and the blog that sent me my very first really big order so I kind of have a soft spot for it.) I love how light and airy it was (and is) and it's still one of the blogs I make sure to check daily. Not only is Chelsea a fantastic blogger, but she's also an incredibly talented event designer and a commercial floral and prop stylist (and she does weddings so someone go get married and hire her- promise you will not be disappointed.)  And even though as of right now we haven't met for real (I'm writing this before the fact, but by the time it's published we will actually have met in person! Yay road trips and Portland!) I already consider her a friend. She's just that nice and real of a person. And cool. Did I mention she up and moved to Sweden for a little while? Yea. See what I mean? She's cool. Thanks for posting, Chelsea!

One of my warm weather rituals is to flee work and head to the park at dinner time. I take my food to the green grass and watch the sailboats on the river. The smaller boats are my favorite and I like to dream about owning one. But for now, they help provide a peaceful moment during busy days and a way to savor this short season. Happy summer!

Photos and post by Chelsea Fuss of Frolic!

Guest Post: Kathleen from the mirthmobile

The story of how I met Kathleen is one of the best examples of "wow, what a small world it is." You see, I found her then wedding blog on another site that my work had been featured on and every few days would find myself checking in to read how everything was going with planning. Around the same time, I went to watch soccer with my sister and two of her friends- one of which was Emily. Fast forward a few months and while looking through photos of Emily's younger sister's wedding on Facebook I realized that I'd already seen them. On Kathleen's blog. Because they were of Kathleen's wedding. So yea. All that time we were each reading a "strangers" blog, our sisters were actually hanging out in real life. Small world, right? Anyhow. When we found that out we quickly made lunch plans, went to Lavish together, and have kept in touch via emails, twitter, and the blogs all while trying to make real plans again sometime soon. So when it came to having a "blog friend" guest post, I knew I wanted to have Kathleen stop by since if it wasn't for her blog, (and our sisters) we'd never have become real friends to begin with. And if you haven't read her blog yet, go do that now.You'll thank me when her old timey Tuesdays bring back familiar childhood memories!

Hey y’all! I’m honored to be here guest-posting while Courtney is off with her husband exploring the open road. The only instruction she gave me was to write something that had to do with summer, so here goes!

One of the highlights of my summers has always been an extended-family beach trip to the coast of South Carolina. For as long as I can remember—with the exception of a few summers during our college years—we’ve decamped to a place called DeBordieu for a week with my dad’s cousins and their kids, who range in age from a year or two younger than me to a year or two older than my big sister. Sometimes my dad’s folks and his cousins’ parents came too. As much fun as these trips were back in the day, they’ve been even more awesome in recent years since we’ve all graduated to grown-up status and added a few hilarious spouses and adorable babies to the mix. The only drawback is that the bill we run up at the package store is markedly higher than it used to be.

After so many years vacationing together, we’ve developed a few hallowed beach traditions, most of them revolving around food. We aren’t going to the beach this year—the cousin calendars didn’t jive, alas!—since it's August (aka beach time) I’m bringing the beach to my place via this classic family recipe.

The quintessential DeBordieu crowd-pleaser is something we call Beach Nachos, usually served as an appetizer. They could not possibly be simpler, and they could not possibly be more delicious. You will need:

  • 1 bag Nacho Cheese Doritos
  • 1 hunk jalapeno jack cheese, grated
  • 1 small can green chiles

Doritos, really? you might be thinking. Yes, Doritos! Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it. Plus, Beach Nachos carry the seal of approval of Aunt Connie, our family’s resident health nut, so they can’t be all that bad.

I digress. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spread the Doritos on a rimmed baking sheet or jelly-roll pan and sprinkle as much grated cheese as you like over the chips, followed by the green chiles. Bake for 7-8 minutes, or until the cheese starts to melt and some of the edges of the chips begin to brown. Remove the nachos from the oven, place the pan on hot pads in the middle of the table, and get the hell out of the way lest your arm get taken off by the hungry masses!

Of course, just as cookies are for the recently health-conscious Cookie Monster, Beach Nachos are a sometime food. That’s part of what makes them so special—and also what makes it okay to ravenously wolf down fake-cheese chips covered in actual cheese a few times every summer.

*all photos via Kathleen

Guest Post: Ginny from My Favorite Color Is Shiny

Okay, so technically Ginny is way more than just the blogger behind My Favorite Color is Shiny-she is also an amazingly talented stylist whose work can be found all over- both on the internet and in print. In addition to her styling company and her blog she also writes the "What's in Your Toolbox" column over at Design*Sponge -which is one of my personal favorites because the focus is on creatives. (I know what you're thinking. When does she find time to sleep? Answer- I still don't know.) I was lucky enough to meet her at Lavish last December and was instantly taken with her laid back, easy going- yet still somehow bubbly- personality. A lover of sequins and love (she married her childhood sweetheart) her blog focuses on the romantic and the beauty of the past. Thanks so much for dropping by Ginny!

currently i am beyond obsessed with the lost generation during the 1920s in paris( thank you midnight in paris). i have been reading hemingway and visualizing what life must have been like during that golden era. can you imagine being surrounded by those artistic icons during their heyday? my husband argues he'd rather live in 1960s detroit during the birth of motown. anyway, this is a collection of treasures i would love to pack in a steamer trunk and time travel to la rive gauche in 1926. and i sure wouldn't mind rubbing elbows with the fitzgeralds, picasso, and gertrude stein.

sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Guest Post: Kelly from Design Crush

Kelly was one of the first people I "met" in the blog world. She ran a giveaway of my note cards waaay back when and we've kept in touch pretty much ever since (thanks, Twitter.) Through new logos, new layouts, and various hair cuts, I've watched Kelly's blog morph and grow into the amazing-ness it is today and have loved every second of it. She always finds the coolest things! So if you haven't checked out Design Crush yet, make sure you do that asap. (fyi- Kelly posts all day long whenever she finds inspiration so feel free to check more than once a day.) Thanks for stopping by Kelly!

10 Summer Essentials:
-iced tea
-copious amounts of fresh fruit
-cocktails, cocktails, cocktails
-plenty of fans close at hand
-at least two pairs of big sunglasses
-my super wide-brimmed white canvas sunhat
-black flip flops
-as many sundresses and skirts as possible
-at least one good roadtrip
-a lightweight quilt on my bed
Thanks so much for having me visit, Courtney!