Studio Sneak Peek: road trip

Hey everybody! So I have a secret.

And it's kind of a big secret.

via say yes to hoboken

We're in the car right now starting a six week long cross country road trip. Crazy right?! We know.

But it's something we've both wanted to do together for forever and given that we knew we probably wouldn't have another continuous six weeks anytime in the near future to do this, we're taking the plunge.

So! After two years of stockpiling camping equipment, booking hotels and campsites (anyone remember my super excited tweet about getting our Yosemite campsite? yea. that was nerve wrecking,) researching cities and trails, and most importantly hoping that everything would fall into place (which thank God it did) the day is finally here. The house and pup are being cared for, the car is packed (and I mean packed. I'm amazed at the amount of stuff that can fit in a normal 4 door sedan) the ipod is loaded with hours and hours of music, and we're heading west. I am so excited to see the national parks, experience the cities, and see friends along the way!

Of course I couldn't just leave you all with radio silence for six weeks, so while we're gone I have some exciting things to share.

First, my new designs are finished! (yay!!) So every Monday I will do a Studio Sneak Peek featuring a different design to let you in on how it how it came about, what I was going for, etc.  annnd... in addition to that, on Fridays some of my favorite blogger friends will be stopping by to share a weekly dose of summer with you. As for Tuesday through Thursday, I've been busy writing posts for each day we're away so you'll never be without.

Sounds almost as cool as a road trip, right? I thought so too.

See you all in six weeks!!! (okay let's be honest, I'll probably stop in every so often with photos...)