Happy Friday everyone! I know it's a full 8 days into March, but is it still weird to anyone else that it's March already? I feel like it was just New Year's Eve. Actually, I feel like it was just summer. Can't believe we've almost been in Denver for a year!

This past week J and I decided to run away from the real world and take a vacation to Steamboat Springs. We both really needed a break and since it's only a few hours away and our season ski passes included Steamboat, it was a no brainer. Neither of us had been there before, and despite traveling through almost white out conditions to get there (note to all, not being able to see the road or other cars is kind of terrifying) the weather cleared up and we were left with absolutely beautiful clear blue skies for the rest of the trip. Between skiing until our legs felt like they were going to fall off, (I may or may not have actually sat down on the slopes to retighten my boots because I was too tired to stand up and do it) eating really amazing food (speaking of- huge thanks to Carl's Tavern for creating an impromptu table for us and letting us bypass a 2 hour wait,) and the hot tub right outside our door- it was exactly what we were looking for. (Oh! And I got to see an old friend from college who lives out there. It's been at least 5 years since we'd seen each other so I was thrilled she could come out on her lunch break and ski with us. Scratch that, while she and J could ski and then wait on my slow butt.) So yea, pretty awesome time. If you're looking for a Colorado vacation, I'd highly suggest it.

Yesterday we spent the day slowly getting back into the real world (chores, errands, and taxes broken up with going out to lunch) and today we're right back into the grind. Anyone else plan a "nothing day" for when you get back from vacation? We always try to. Not just because we don't want to end up stranded at an airport when J really has to be back at work, but also just to give us time to unpack, unwind, and get ready for what's ahead. Plus, it always feels amazing to have one last morning to sleep in instead of rushing to check out, drive/fly home, etc.
Oh! And unrelated, but after way too many hours searching for a coffee table that we both loved and that was unique (anyone else feel like there are hundreds and hundreds of the same thing of there?) we FINALLY stumbled upon a beautiful little mid century gem yesterday. Wood, glass, cool shape- just what we were looking for. She's so pretty. (And yes, she. This table has curves. Check out my Instagram feed to see a sneak peak.)
So what about y'all? Any big weekend plans? Think I'm going to spend the weekend painting and hanging out with Ticketmaster in hopes of getting WSP tickets before they sell out. Again. Exciting times, I know!
*photos all taken by me