The Best Scone Recipe Ever.
The beginning of this past weekend was jam packed. Between a slightly last minute yard sale (which wonderfully also turned into a "meet the neighbors" party) lunches and dinners with friends, and just the normal stuff we needed to get done, every day felt extremely full. But the good kind of full. The kind where you realize you've been laughing/smiling all day, you've been constantly surrounded by amazing people, and despite being incredibly tired and kind of sunburned you still decide to forgo going straight home after dinner in order to savor some late night ice cream. By the time Sunday rolled around, we were too worn out to make it to a friends bbq and instead decided to take a "lazy day." We lounged/napped outside on the deck, took a bike ride down to the lake/through the neighborhood, chatted with our moms/told them how proud we were of them for raising such amazingly awesome children, ate dinner outside underneath our backyard cafe lights and finally finished the day off with fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and some Game of Thrones (yep. Game of Thrones. Seriously, it's awesome and now I kind of want a pet dragon. Then again, who wouldn't want a pet dragon? Weirdos that's who.) It was one of those days where you feel so grateful for everything that you can't even put it into words. You try, but in the end you realize that the one person you're thanking can probably already read your heart.

So now to the scones. I made these a few days ago and have been waking up to them ever since. (Well kind of. I don't have a butler or someone bring them to me so I guess technically I've been waking up and making these ever since. If you do have a butler though, have him whip these up and bring them to you in bed. I promise your day will be that much better- which is saying a lot since your life already comes with a butler.)
Okay. Back to the scones. I was in the grocery store last Wednesday when I happily stumbled across the strawberries. And as if I really needed an excuse to buy them, they were on sale. 4 pints for $5. Sold!Of course, then I came home and remembered we already had strawberries so I need to get to work using them. Like yesterday.
Hence the scones.
I make scones a lot because they are amazing and freeze really well (and breakfast is my favorite meal ever. Well that and pasta. Feed me those two things and I will never leave. Want me to leave quickly? Bring out the seafood. Not a big fan.)
Wow. Sidetracked much? So back to these scones, again. They rock. They aren't very sweet (you can amp up the sugar if that's what you're looking for) but they're perfectly crunchy on the outside and biscuit like on the inside and go wonderfully with fresh whipped cream, or butter, or if you really want to play up the strawberry flavor- strawberry jam. (Since they are best straight from the oven, I like to freeze any we aren't going to eat immediately (you just need to add a few minutes to the baking time.)
You don't have to add the lime zest, but it adds a summery freshness to it (as opposed to a wintery freshness?) Also, feel free to use lemon zest if unlike me you aren't painting a dozen limes and therefore don't have a ton a round to zest.
So there you have it. Amazing scones to make your mornings (or afternoons) that much sweeter. (pun intended.)
All photos taken by me and are copyright of courtney khail stationery and design