The Bright Side Project

"devastated rumor rope" via Candace's site

I've talked about BSP before, but today the ladies who make it all possible get another shout out. First, if you haven't gone to the site, go now; I'll wait.

Awesome right? Everything day a new item (generously donated by the artist/designer/creator especially for the project) is posted along with a question for us visitors to comment on and *fingers crossed* win. I personally check the site almost every day, comment on pretty much everything (since I love it all) and check the winners box every Wednesday (to no avail.) That is, until now.

Two weeks ago, I left a comment to win a $500 gift certificate to Candace Ang's webshop (check her work out here just in case - like me- you don't live in NYC and can't visit the nearest Bergdorf's or Barneys to see her pieces in person.) Seen in magazines such as marie claire, Lucky, and Cosmo, as well as on celebs such as Kelly Ripa and Kim Kardashian, her jewelry has been getting a lot of attention. Edgy, unique, and just a little dangerous, they were definitely on my "if I had $200+ to spend on a necklace and not have feelings of guilt on whether or not that $200 should go into savings, this would be it" wish list. Of course, my practical side pretty much always wins out and that $200 goes into savings. (hey. doctorate programs aren't cheap and we're saving for a house!)

But today, my unpractical side got a present. Between launching the new site, advertising, emailing, and orders, I (gasp!) had NOT checked the winners box to see if my name was "up in lights" for over a week. Luckily the lovely Miss B let me know that a) I HAD WON and b) my time was running out to claim it (as in, I would lose my prize in less than 12 hours due to the 1 week to claim deadline if I didn't respond RIGHT THEN.) I sent my email confirmation within 30 seconds.

And of course, I then headed straight to Candace's site to spend some quality time "oohing and ahhing" and letting my indulgent side have a ball. And it rocked.

But now, I have two things I need to do.

First, the thank you's. A huge thank you goes out to Candace for offering up a very generous gift certificate for some of her beautiful pieces. It's always wonderful to have people share their talents, but this level of generosity is kind of humbling. So thank you! I can't wait to rock your jewelry.

The next thank you goes to the lovely ladies of the Bright Side Project. They work tirelessly to bring new work to the public AND give you the ability to win those awesome works. I have discovered so many wonderful pieces and artists through the site and fully support all they do. Oh and did I mention they do this on TOP of their 40+ hour work weeks? That's right. This isn't for making huge profits- this is really to "spread sunshine daily." Which leads me to the second thing I need to do. Ask a favor.

(I can hear you all now. "seriously? you JUST won something and now you want a favor?!")

yes I do. and I promise it's won't be too hard and it won't cost a dime. All I ask is that you spread the word about the Bright Side Project. If you're an artist/designer/etsy entrepreneur and would be interested in being a contributor, send them an email. Don't fit into those categories? No problem! Just become a reader. You'll get introduced to new talent, be asked fun and/or thought provoking questions, and who knows, maybe you'll luck out and see your name in the winners box!

happy Wednesday everyone!!