

via here

My husband started his pharmacy internship a few weeks ago and I thought that needed to be celebrated! So on his first day, inspired by the beautiful work of sophie cuvelier and armed with stacks of multicolored paper and fishing line, I was soon stringing our dining room with garlands.

J came home to find me finishing up dinner and after saying hey, he looked past the kitchen and saw the garlands hanging in the background. He immediately started laughing and then picked me up and thanked me with a kiss. I told him how proud of him I was (in addition to everything else he does, the kid has a 4.0 in pharmacy school!), how much he means to me, and how much I appreciate all he does so I can follow my dreams as well.

Some people might think it's cheesy, but I think that sometimes we all need to celebrate the ones we love- whether that be a significant other, family or friends- and thank God they're in our lives.

P.S. The garlands are still hanging in the dining room.

I would love it if I woke up to this on my desk.

Granted, I would then have to ask myself how it happened.
Either a) my house is haunted (which we have already lived in one, and given that I am scared of everything that goes bump in the night, I don't want to go through that again...)
or b) my husband was seriously that bored when he was up early studying for his pharmacy school finals. Think he'd just come back to bed...

Either way, this photo rocks.

Khaki and Green

via veranda

I really liked how the khaki suit looked with the jcrew ties from yesterday, so I thought I'd continue the khaki and green theme today (that and I can't stop thinking about springtime.) I came across this image on the Veranda website today and fell in love. It's normally closed to the public, but wouldn't this be such a wonderful place to take pictures? The walkway alone would make for incredibly dramatic photographs!

Inside the house is just as opulent.

This table setting would be perfect for a preppy garden wedding. I'd swap out the chairs for these gold tiffany chairs as well as add more candles. If it was held outside, I think hanging chandeliers from various trees and creating lounge areas with white or cream couches and wooden or wrought iron tables would be beautiful as well! Enjoy!