

I love this robe! It's so comfortable and unique. Not to mention it's been my main wardrobe these past few days...

So I went to the doctor and she had absolutely no clue what was wrong with my throat. She did seem to be really worried about my left ear though.

"Does your ear hurt at all?" "No ma'am" "Are you sure?" "yep." "It hasn't hurt at all?" "In my life? or since my sore throat?"

Apparently my ear was really red and she assumed it was infected, and therefore hurting. Despite saying over and over that it didn't hurt at all, she was concerned (or thought I was lying) and decided to put me on antibiotics "just in case." She added that it should also help my sore throat, since even though the strep test was negative, she assumed it was still caused by a bacterial infection.

About 2 hours after I got home my ear did start hurting. Only problem was it was my RIGHT ear. The one she thought was fine :)

The good news is though, my throat feels so much better. Just in time for our trip!

Our rock stars aren't like your rock stars

So I opened up my email this morning and was surprised with an awesome gift.

All yesterday afternoon I swooned over the different type at Veer and by the time I started making dinner I had fallen in love with one particular script. A script I really really didn't have to have, but really really wanted. J thought it was really nice (a little too scripty for his taste, but he appreciated the line quality) but acting as my practical side he convinced me to hold off on buying it for a little while. Even so, I couldn't help but share my new found obsession with my friend, N.- who in addition to getting my new website up and running, happens to be a (famous*) type designer. i.e. he'd completely understand my "love at first sight" over this script.

And he did. And he knew the designer of the type I loved! I was shocked. Not only did he know him, but he used his nickname. You know the intel commercials that says "our rock stars aren't your rock stars?" It was just like that. It was like texting your friend about falling in love with with a wedding dress and your friend texting back, "oh, is that Vera's? We're having lunch tomorrow." Craziness.

anyhow, back to this morning's email.

I opened it up and ta da! Ready to be downloaded, waiting patiently for me to use it, was THE script.** Have I mentioned how much my friends rock? Because if not, they are the best. Thanks, N!

*he's doesn't always admit this, but the many accolades support my statement. ** This is where I started jumping around our living room singing "yay yay yay!" as J asked me to breathe and tell him what I was so excited about :)

Groomsmen Gift

I saw this over on Project Wedding and couldn't get it out of my head. What an awesome idea! Break away from the monogrammed/etched/anything able to be ordered in bulk, and make a gift box specifically for your best buds.

And I know I say it's for the guys, but I know plenty of girls who'd love something like this too. Think mini champagne bottle, an orange, and a champagne flute for the mimosa lover- or maybe tequila, limes, and salt for the margarita lover. Have a friend who prefers coffee? Pick up a bag of their favorite roast (or a new type you'd like them to try) and pack the box with a cool mug, biscotti, and cinnamon sticks, chocolate or whatever other flavors/mix-ins they'd like. You could even add earrings or a necklace to each of the boxes to give a gift that "lasts" as well. The possibilities are endless.

Some of my favorite (Valentine's Day) Things #7

I love homemade "coupon books." I think they are such a sweet, creative idea to give someone you love. Whether it's to take over a chore they hate doing (dishes anyone?), giving a 30 minute back rub, or promising a marathon night of chick flicks, they are always appreciated by me! And these books from the spotted sparrow are so unique and beautiful! They've sold out (of course) but, how awesome are they? Oh, and did I mention they were available in both naughty and nice? Super cute.

Some of my favorite (Valentine's Day) Things #6

J loves coffee. (We even stayed on a coffee plantation during our honeymoon!) Sadly, I can't even brew it. I know, I know. But I don't drink coffee so I've never really had to figure it out. (another I know. I'm probably the only artist in the world that doesn't drink coffee. Did I mention I lived in Italy for 3 months? Yea, and still don't like coffee. Good thing I like wine though- kept me from a lot of funny looks over there :) )

Anyhow, back to the point. So in order to make up for my lack of brewing skills, I buy J awesome coffee. Costa Rican coffee, Ethiopian coffee, Jamaican coffee- you name it. And since I can't brew it, I just try to be helpful. It's a test day and he'll be drinking 8 cups? Reach for the low acidity bag. Maybe having 2 cups at most? Here sweetie, enjoy this full bodied blend. So imagine how I excited I was when I saw these cute sugar hearts. Perfect for Valentine's Day coffee. Now if only I can find a place where I can buy just 1 or 2... since I don't need 64 for £20!

Some of my favorite (Valentine's Day) Things #5

I saw this over at Martha Stewart and fell in love with the idea. (I actually might do this for some of my engaged friends!) It's supposed to be placed in the hotel suite of newlyweds so they have something to eat after the wedding reception. (I don't think J and I were ever so happy to see someone more on our wedding day than my sister when she arrived at our door with a picnic basket full of food. Between dancing and chatting, we didn't have time to eat and were famished after the reception!)

But why only for a wedding? I think it could be a perfect Valentine's Day present/activity! Think of sitting by a fire all cozied up and opening this little baby to share. Add a bottle of champagne and this would be my perfect dinner! Well, minus the caviar. I'm just not a big cavier person. Switch that out with some proscuitto and a cheese wedge and I'd be all set :)

Some of my favorite (Valentine's Day) Things #3

Because there are so many beautiful things out there, I thought I'd share 2 today!

First, aren't these the cutest pencils?! How perfect would these be for the "lover of all things handwritten" in your life? As for me, I'd use them all year round!

And second are these beautiful straws. I would love to sip my drink from these during a picnic in the park for two!

New take on a classic

I'm not really a traditional jewelry type of girl. I have tons of earrings ranging in size, colors, and materials- and the same goes with my necklaces and rings. Everything has a story- whether it is where the piece was bought, who bought the piece for me, or why it was bought- and very few of them are what I would consider "simple" or "traditional." This is why I always had a hard time with simple diamond studs. Sure I think they are pretty, and I know they would go with almost everything, but to me they were always too simple and understated. And since they are almost all the exact same (besides the cut of the diamond) I could never find a pair I really liked. Until now.

These little beauties are made from rough diamonds and I love them. They still fit the bill when you just want a "little something," but in no way are they too simple. Oh, and because they are rough diamonds, each one is a little different from the next. I think that alone is awesome.

Hope everyone had a fantastic long weekend! And thanks for the birthday wishes! It was a wonderful one. Remember the Ben & Jerry's cone we were going to grab since we couldn't get a cake in time? Well my family went above and beyond on that one. My sister greeted me with one of their amazing cakes right before dinner out (the four of us polished that little piece of heaven off before the night was over) and then the next night after eating dinner with my parents, they bring out another ice cream cake! Only this one was homemade. There isn't a Ben & Jerry's where my parents are from (and since I really don't like any other places ice cream cakes) so my mom baked a cake and then searched for a pint of my favorite ice cream to spread as the middle layer. It was delicious! Thanks to everyone for such an amazing birthday and for such wonderful gifts!