
Craving: Wristwatches

via uniform wares

Simple, clean, and modern. Perfect.

Now if only I didn't have such tiny wrists*,  I could wear this.

*to give a mental image: my ring finger is a 3.75 and I can still (comfortably) wear the gold baby bracelet my parents gave me when I was born. I also still sometimes feel a twinge of  jealousy towards people who can buy bangles without having to try them on first. If I did that I'd end up looking like a little kid playing dress up in her mom's closet.

where has the romance gone?

I really have no excuse as to why it's been so long, so I won't try to give any. I will say that work has been busy and J. just finished up another year of pharmacy school so it's been super busy around here. Hmm...sounds a lot like an excuse though! Anyhow. I was reading Marie Claire (I think) when I saw this ad.

via simon g

now, there has already been a lot of controversy surrounding this ad over the past few months, but I personally had never seen it in print before. Trust me, it is just as appalling as you would imagine.  First, you are assuming that your wife to be would cheat on you (sign number 1 you shouldn't marry her) and then, you are assuming that if you present her with a big enough/flashy enough ring, she will "think twice" about removing it and therefore will not be able to cheat. Seriously? Who wrote this?! And given that it's not in a men's magazine what exactly are they looking to gain here? Are there any women who would see this, rip it out, and give it to their boyfriends with a post it that says, "if you buy me this, I promise I won't cheat. Or at least I'll think twice."

Personally, I wouldn't like to know that my ring was chosen after seeing this particular ad. I mean, I understand trying to be "different" and "edgy," but I think these ads are just in poor taste.

I was a little annoyed by this so I went to the site and looked up the other ads. All pretty much just as tasteless. One suggests showing how you spent your settlement check. Great. This is about as sad as when I opened a bridal magazine in the beginning of our engagement and one of the dress articles said not to worry too much about what you wear because "this is only your first wedding."

I mean, really. I know divorce happens, but personally, I wasn't planning on what to wear for the second go round before I even had the first. Seems like you're just asking for problems. Instead, how about say something like- don't stress so much because he's not marrying the dress, he's marrying you. I'd hope that even if you showed up in jeans you couldn't change his mind.

So where has the romance gone? And no. I am not talking about some fairy tale happily ever after romance- I'm talking about the real romance. The getting married because you love someone kind of romance. The "it doesn't matter how big the ring is, it's the promise that matters" romance.  The "I promise to love you even though you always leave the cabinet doors open" kind of romance. Are we really living in such a cynical world that we are already planning the cheating and the divorce before we say "I do?" How sad. I for one, do not want to live in that world.

Maybe that's why the ads annoyed me so much. I'm still one for growing old together. For building a life together. For arguing together over paint colors and then for admitting it was a silly argument and making up. I love the old couples in "When Harry Met Sally." Their stories and quirks. The fact that none of them are perfect, but that they are in it together. (Yes, I am aware this is a movie, but you get the drift.)

I'm not alone in this, am I? Please tell me there are still people like me out there.

And now that I've ranted, I'm going to get back to my escort cards. Happy Tuesday everyone! And I promise tomorrow will be more light hearted!

hey hey mr. post man

via personal collection

look what showed up in the mail this weekend! The photos online didn't do these beauties justice- they are so beautiful in person! I've already rocked 3 of the 5 and love the edginess they bring to an outfit. Thanks again to both the BSP and Candace!

via Saks

Something else that showed up via my electronic postman today was this super cute bag. I'm a HUGE picnic person (J. planned one for our first date and recreated it when he proposed so I have a soft spot for them) so this bag is right up my alley. And even though the price tag is not "right up my alley," it did give me a great idea, so stay tuned for my take on this one. It'll fit right in with a project I'm working on!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday!

The Bright Side Project

"devastated rumor rope" via Candace's site

I've talked about BSP before, but today the ladies who make it all possible get another shout out. First, if you haven't gone to the site, go now; I'll wait.

Awesome right? Everything day a new item (generously donated by the artist/designer/creator especially for the project) is posted along with a question for us visitors to comment on and *fingers crossed* win. I personally check the site almost every day, comment on pretty much everything (since I love it all) and check the winners box every Wednesday (to no avail.) That is, until now.

Two weeks ago, I left a comment to win a $500 gift certificate to Candace Ang's webshop (check her work out here just in case - like me- you don't live in NYC and can't visit the nearest Bergdorf's or Barneys to see her pieces in person.) Seen in magazines such as marie claire, Lucky, and Cosmo, as well as on celebs such as Kelly Ripa and Kim Kardashian, her jewelry has been getting a lot of attention. Edgy, unique, and just a little dangerous, they were definitely on my "if I had $200+ to spend on a necklace and not have feelings of guilt on whether or not that $200 should go into savings, this would be it" wish list. Of course, my practical side pretty much always wins out and that $200 goes into savings. (hey. doctorate programs aren't cheap and we're saving for a house!)

But today, my unpractical side got a present. Between launching the new site, advertising, emailing, and orders, I (gasp!) had NOT checked the winners box to see if my name was "up in lights" for over a week. Luckily the lovely Miss B let me know that a) I HAD WON and b) my time was running out to claim it (as in, I would lose my prize in less than 12 hours due to the 1 week to claim deadline if I didn't respond RIGHT THEN.) I sent my email confirmation within 30 seconds.

And of course, I then headed straight to Candace's site to spend some quality time "oohing and ahhing" and letting my indulgent side have a ball. And it rocked.

But now, I have two things I need to do.

First, the thank you's. A huge thank you goes out to Candace for offering up a very generous gift certificate for some of her beautiful pieces. It's always wonderful to have people share their talents, but this level of generosity is kind of humbling. So thank you! I can't wait to rock your jewelry.

The next thank you goes to the lovely ladies of the Bright Side Project. They work tirelessly to bring new work to the public AND give you the ability to win those awesome works. I have discovered so many wonderful pieces and artists through the site and fully support all they do. Oh and did I mention they do this on TOP of their 40+ hour work weeks? That's right. This isn't for making huge profits- this is really to "spread sunshine daily." Which leads me to the second thing I need to do. Ask a favor.

(I can hear you all now. "seriously? you JUST won something and now you want a favor?!")

yes I do. and I promise it's won't be too hard and it won't cost a dime. All I ask is that you spread the word about the Bright Side Project. If you're an artist/designer/etsy entrepreneur and would be interested in being a contributor, send them an email. Don't fit into those categories? No problem! Just become a reader. You'll get introduced to new talent, be asked fun and/or thought provoking questions, and who knows, maybe you'll luck out and see your name in the winners box!

happy Wednesday everyone!!

New take on a classic

I'm not really a traditional jewelry type of girl. I have tons of earrings ranging in size, colors, and materials- and the same goes with my necklaces and rings. Everything has a story- whether it is where the piece was bought, who bought the piece for me, or why it was bought- and very few of them are what I would consider "simple" or "traditional." This is why I always had a hard time with simple diamond studs. Sure I think they are pretty, and I know they would go with almost everything, but to me they were always too simple and understated. And since they are almost all the exact same (besides the cut of the diamond) I could never find a pair I really liked. Until now.

These little beauties are made from rough diamonds and I love them. They still fit the bill when you just want a "little something," but in no way are they too simple. Oh, and because they are rough diamonds, each one is a little different from the next. I think that alone is awesome.

Hope everyone had a fantastic long weekend! And thanks for the birthday wishes! It was a wonderful one. Remember the Ben & Jerry's cone we were going to grab since we couldn't get a cake in time? Well my family went above and beyond on that one. My sister greeted me with one of their amazing cakes right before dinner out (the four of us polished that little piece of heaven off before the night was over) and then the next night after eating dinner with my parents, they bring out another ice cream cake! Only this one was homemade. There isn't a Ben & Jerry's where my parents are from (and since I really don't like any other places ice cream cakes) so my mom baked a cake and then searched for a pint of my favorite ice cream to spread as the middle layer. It was delicious! Thanks to everyone for such an amazing birthday and for such wonderful gifts!

I'm just all about the giveaways.

I won a pair of earrings a few months back and it was like a mini Christmas opening up the mailbox to find them! Because of how much I loved that feeling, I thought I'd give everyone who happens to have a blog as well the opportunity to try and experience it too! Head over to ViVi Reborn's site (here) for more information on how to win this necklace (it's originally $75). Good luck!!

Update! There's another awesome contest! And this one you don't have to have a blog! Just head over to Love.Obsess.Inspire and leave a comment for a chance to win these beautiful earrings! Happy winning!

via here

De Wizy

via concrete and honey. Buy them here

I found these earrings over on concrete + honey and couldn't get enough of them! I've always had
a thing for earrings and these look like the perfect future addition to my collection :)

I just love how whimsical and colorful they are- almost like they popped right off of the pages of a Dr. Seuss book!

A little sunshine

via here

I saw this while I was in Anthropologie last weekend and fell in love with how delicate and refreshing it is. And as one of those whose skin tone inhibits me from actually wearing clothes in the color, this necklace would completely satisfy my yellow cravings. Wouldn't this be such a beautiful way to dress up a white T and jeans?*And surprisingly, it's not super expensive.

Well, for Anthro at least :)

*I would love to see a bride rock this. It's a great example of buying accessories you can wear after the big day.