Altitude Design Summit

Good Design: Altitude Summit Business Cards

It's no surprise that when attending a conference full of design bloggers you'll come home with a TON of amazing business cards. (I'm actually still finding cards stashed in my purse, in my carry on- I even found a lone card in my coat.) The creativity of these ladies (and gents) completely blew me away.  Cards packaged in leather or glassine envelopes, accompanied by sprinkle filled salt shakers, bracelets and mini hand drawn illustrations- they were exceptional. And while I have to admit I normally prefer very crisp, clean designs, these creative minds introduced me to a whole new world of possibilities. Here is a sampling of some that stood out the most to me. That said, every single card I received was beautiful and I wish I could have included them all. Hope you enjoy!

From the Studio: Altitude Design Summit Photo Recap

I started writing a recap of this past week's Altitude Design Summit when I realized that words wouldn't really do it justice. The friends I made, the colleagues I met, and the lessons I learned will stick with me forever. (A special emphasis on the friends. I met some of the most amazing people!) If you ever have an opportunity to go to ALT, I'd strongly suggest you do- I promise it will be amazing. And since I didn't think words would suffice, here is a photo recap:

Thursday night White Party (so pretty to see everyone in winter-y colors)

Friday night mini parties ranged from A Night in Paris to Year of the Chinese Dragon

I loved teaching my watercolor class! I seriously had the best students ever. (It started to snow so we ran outside to get a few photos.)

holy cow we got a lot of cool stuff. Not pictured- awesome triangle earrings that one of my roomies, Kelly, fell in love with, and like a pound of candy.

photos via courtney khail, b.a.d. photography, moss + isaac, and justin hackworth