
Studio Sneak Peek: Limited Edition Hostess Gift

copyright courtney khail stationery and design

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a bride asking if I could create hostess gifts for the women throwing her a shower. She knew she wanted a poem included, but besides that she was open to suggestions. Because they were gifts, I thought it would be nice to create a limited edition set of paintings with a custom design. Referencing a sketch I drew, I created 33 paintings using the aubergine and bells of Ireland green color scheme she requested. Each one is a little different from the last and is signed, dated, and marked with it's corresponding series number. (And since it's a limited edition, these 33 paintings will be the only ones ever to feature this specific design.)

Studio Sneak Peek: vernon and antoinette

It snowed something like 4-5" last night here in Atlanta (and I am not embarrassed to admit we went outside at 10p with the dog just to have a snowball fight) so every school-including J's- and pretty much everything else is closed. So in celebration of what will probably be our last "snow day" when it comes to school, we've decided to spend a nice relaxing day here at Casa Khail. Hot chocolate, a fire, lots of Netflix picks- it's going to be a good day! Before I sign off to do that though, I thought I would share a custom invitation I was working on for quite awhile. Vernon and Antoinette just celebrated their wedding this past Saturday (congratulations!!) so I figured today would be the best day to share. Hope you like them!

copyright courtney khail stationery and design

from the studio: sonja and blake

It's been too long since my last "from the studio" so today I thought I'd share my latest custom invitation!

copyright courtney khail stationery and design

A little back story:

When Sonja first emailed me, she knew she wanted a custom handwritten invitation, but wasn't 100% sure what she wanted those invitations to look like. She and Blake are both outdoorsy and very active (they got engaged on top of Mt. Rainer!) so we both knew their invitations had to have a natural vibe- wild, but still elegant. After we talked colors and wording, Sonja told me that their venue is covered in California poppies and Indian paintbrush blooms and we both knew right away that one, or both, of those had to be incorporated. I drew up a few different options, but in the end we all fell in love with this one! Having the viewpoint from slightly below makes the guests feel as though they are walking through a poppy field, while the bright orange blooms pop against the hand penned black ink. I love how these came together! And with each one just slightly different from the next, they really do look like a field of poppies when seen together.

Hope you enjoy!

Decking the halls... a little early

copyright courtney khail stationery

Happy Monday! I know it's early, (I'm actually one of those people who gets a little upset when I see Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving...) but I thought I would share a custom Christmas card I'm wrapping up to mail out today. Hope you enjoy it!

Want to place a holiday order? Just send me an email at!